domingo, 2 de setembro de 2007


Song of Four Seasons Melody by He Luding, Words by Tian Han
爱我中华 歌手:宋祖英 专辑:爱我中华 爱我中华 爱我中华 赛罗赛罗赛罗赛罗赛罗赛罗--嘿 五十六个星座五十六只花 五十六族兄弟姐妹是一家 五十六种语言汇成一句话 爱我中华爱我中华爱我中华 爱我中华 健儿奋起的步伐 爱我中华 建设我们的国家 爱我中华 中华雄姿英发 爱我中华 五十六族兄弟姐妹 五十六种语言汇成一句话 爱我中华 嘿--罗 赛罗赛罗赛罗赛罗赛罗赛罗 爱我中华 嘿 I Love My China Love My China Love My China (From CN site) Love My China Like fifty-six constellations like fifty-six flowers the fifty-six ethinic groups of China are of one family the fifty-six languages speak a same voice Love My China Love My China Love My China the people march forward to build our country the fifty-six ethnic groups all brothers and sisters Love My China Rejuvenate our country the fifty-six ethnic groups the fifty-six languages speak a same voice Love My China

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